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The FA logomark of a great strong green tree.

Welcome to the SMC Faculty Association!

We are the union that exclusively represents all tenured, probationary and part-time faculty at Santa Monica College. We negotiate on behalf of faculty in areas related to compensation, benefits and working conditions. We provide education related to retirement options, health benefits, leaves, and evaluation procedures. We help faculty file grievances against the district if the contract has been violated, and provide guidance and support if the district is investigating you for alleged wrong-doing related to your employment at SMC. Whenever you have a question related to your employment here at SMC, please reach out to us: we’re here for you!

A walk path at the Santa Monica College campus.

Learn about the history of the SMCFA

The Santa Monica College Faculty Association has a rich history. Learn more about the history from Dennis Frisch, the FA’s First Executive Secretary.

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