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Salary Schedule
Non Instructional Assignments

Faculty with Non Instructional Assignments

e.g. Part-time counselors, Librarians

A part-time faculty member who is a counselor, a librarian, in the Center for Wellness and Wellbeing, or DSPS, may have assignments that are purely instructional, purely non-instructional, or a combination of both, depending on the semester. Before this new contract, those different kinds of assignments often did not combine to allow for step advancement on all the old salary schedules. Now they all count equally in step advancement, just as they do for a full-time faculty member. A full-time faculty member needs to complete 30 Lecture Hour Equivalents (LHE) to advance one step on the salary schedule, regardless of their assignment or department. Now the same is true for all part-time faculty members. Still, most of us are not used to thinking about assignments in terms of LHE so this will take some getting used to. 

Because many of you have your own different assignment situations, I have made links below to cover the main kinds of assignments you might encounter, so first try and find the category that most closely fits your situation, but feel free to look at any of the pages to see other examples. 

For NEW Faculty Members

Fall 2020 is the first year that the new universal part-time faculty salary schedule has been used. It is directly tied to the full-time faculty schedule with every cell exactly 85% of what a full-time faculty member with those credentials and experience would earn for 1.0 Lecture Hour Equivalent (LHE). The other 15% of a full-time faculty member's salary is for other departmental and college related duties beyond either their classes or non-instructional assignments. This is also the first semester that previous experience at another college can be counted toward initial Step placement - if you have previous relevant experience, you could be placed at up to Step 4 on the salary schedule.

When you are onboarded by Human Resources, they will assess your credentials to determine what Group you are in and will assess your relevant experience to determine your Step placement (no prior experience places you on Step 1).  Once you know your Step and Group, you know how much you will be paid per LHE for the semester. You can see the total amount in the image below, a section of Salary Schedule B-1.

General salary information:

It doesn't matter what your specific assignment is, once you know the total LHE of your assignment for the semester, you simply multiply the amount in your cell by that LHE and you know what your total pay will be for the semester. So if you were in Group 3, Step 2, and had an assignment for Fall of 7.5 LHE, your total pay for Fall would be 7.5 * $1,789 = $13,417.50. If you were in Group 7, Step 4, with the maximum possible part-time assignment of 10 LHE (= 67% of a full-time assignment), you'd be paid 10 * $2,302 = $23,020. This is true for teaching and non-teaching. Below I will expand on some specific cases.

The UNITS listed on a pay stub do not represent hours worked, but are the number of weeks in the pay cycle times the LHE of the assignment, as long as the assignment is for 18 weeks. The first two pays of a semester (Fall: September, October; Spring: March, April) are for 4 weeks of pay, and the last two pays (Fall: November, December; Spring: May, June) are for 5 weeks of pay. Again, note that if your assignments are not spread over 18 weeks, the UNITS will be split out differently over the semester, but your total pay for the assignment is still just determined by the total LHE of the assignment.

Completely instructional assignments:

A specific course has a set number of LHE that it is equivalent to, independent of whether it is taught over the whole semester or just 8 weeks, or in an intersession. So you first need to know what the LHE for the course is (e.g. COUNS 1 = 1.0 LHE, COUNS 12 = 1.0 LHE, COUNS 20 = 3.0 LHE). You can calculate the LHE of a course by multiplying the weekly teaching hours of the course by its load factor, both found in Appendix H. Or you can ask your chair! 


  • If you have an assignment of one COUNS 20 course (3 LHE), and are in Group 3, Step 1 (cell = $1,719) you will be paid 3 * $1,719 = $5,157 to teach that one course. Your pay stub will show a RATE that is equal to the amount in your cell ($1,719) divided by 18 weeks = $95.50, which is really the weekly pay per LHE. 

Your pay is for all the duties related to your assignment: all the instructional hours, grading, course preparation, and office hours. It is not appropriate to say what the "hourly pay rate" will be for that course because the many hours spent outside of classroom on that assignment are not well defined. Instead, it is more accurate to say that you are being paid a salary to complete a task, independent of the hours it takes you. That's how full-time instructional faculty are treated, and that's how part-time faculty should be treated as well.

Completely non-instructional assignment:

The weekly assigned hours of any assignment multiplied by the load factor of that assignment gives you the weekly LHE of the assignment. All non-instructional assignments are load factor 0.50, so this means that an assignment of two hours of counseling per week for a full semester is equal to an assignment of one LHE. 18 hours of counseling per week for a full semester is equal to an assignment of 9 LHE. 

Example 1 

  • If you have a counseling assignment of 6.0 hours per week for a full semester (= 3 LHE), and are in Group 3, Step 1 (cell = $1,719) you will be paid 3 * $1,719 = $5,157 for that assignment. Your pay stub will show a RATE that is equal to the amount in your cell ($1,719) divided by 18 weeks = $95.50, which is really the weekly pay per LHE, and therefore your pay per scheduled hour of counseling is half of that amount, $47.75.  

Example 2

If you have a counseling assignment of 18 hours per week for a full semester (= 9 LHE), and are in Group 7, Step 3 (cell = $2,232) you will be paid 9* $2,232 = $20,088 for that assignment. Your pay stub will show a RATE that is equal to the amount in your cell ($2,232) divided by 18 weeks = $124.00, which is really the weekly pay per LHE, and therefore your pay per scheduled hour of counseling is half of that amount, $62.00.

Combination assignment:

Example 1

  • If you have a teaching assignment of LIBRARY 1 (1 LHE) and a reference desk assignment of 10.0 hours per week for the semester (= 5 LHE), and are in Group 3, Step 1 (cell = $1,719), you will be paid 6 * $1,719 = $10,314 for the total of 6 LHE for your assignment. Your pay stub will show a RATE that is equal to the amount in your cell ($1,719) divided by 18 weeks = $95.50, which is really the weekly pay per LHE, not an hourly rate for your assignment.  

Example 2

If you have a teaching assignment of two COUNS 1 classes (total of 2.0 LHE) and a counseling assignment of 9.0 hours per week for the semester (= 4.5 LHE), and are in Group 5, Step 2 (cell = $1,973), you will be paid 6.5 * $1,973 = $12,824.50 for the total of 6.5 LHE for your assignment. Your pay stub will show a RATE that is equal to the amount in your cell ($1,973) divided by 18 weeks = $109.61, which is really the weekly pay per LHE, not an hourly rate for your assignment.

Continuing Faculty Member with Non-instructional Assignment

Fall 2020 is the first year that the new universal part-time faculty salary schedule has been used. It is directly tied to the full-time faculty schedule with every cell exactly 85% of what a full-time faculty member with those credentials and experience would earn for 1.0 Lecture Hour Equivalent (LHE). The other 15% of a full-time faculty member's salary is for other departmental and college related duties beyond either their classes or non-instructional assignments. 

If you have only had non-instructional assignments for the past three years, and only have a non-instructional assignment now, we can easily work out how your new pay relates to your old pay. You can see here a mapping grid from the old hourly pay rates to the new Salary Schedule B-1. So if your pay rate in Spring 2020 was $74.88 = Group 3, Step 2 (top table), you will be placed on the new Salary Schedule B-1 at Group 6, Step 8 (bottom table). 

General salary information:

It doesn't matter what your specific assignment is, once you know the total LHE of your assignment for the semester, you simply multiply the amount in your cell on Schedule B-1 by that LHE and then you know what your total pay will be for the semester. 


  • On  Salary Schedule B-1, Group 6, Step 8 has a cell amount of $2,704 which is the pay per semester for 1 LHE. If you have an assignment of 9.0 LHE for the semester, you simply calculate 9.0 * $2,704 = $24,366 for your total pay for the semester. 

The UNITS listed on a pay stub do not represent hours worked, but are the number of weeks in the pay cycle times the LHE of the assignment, as long as the assignment is for 18 weeks. The first two pays of a semester (Fall: September, October; Spring: March, April) are for 4 weeks of pay, and the last two pays (Fall: November, December; Spring: May, June) are for 5 weeks of pay. Again, note that if your assignments are not spread over 18 weeks, the UNITS will be split out differently over the semester, but your total pay for the assignment is still just determined by the total LHE of the assignment.

Completely non-instructional assignments:

The weekly assigned hours of any semester-long assignment multiplied by the load factor of that assignment gives you the LHE of the assignment. All non-instructional assignments are load factor 0.50, so this means that an assignment of two non-instructional hours per week for a full semester is equal to one LHE. For example, 18 hours of counseling per week for a full semester is equal to an assignment of 9.0 LHE, or 10 hours of reference desk work per week for a semester is an assignment of 5.0 LHE. 

Example 1: 

  • If you have a counseling assignment of 12 hours per week for a full semester (= 6.0 LHE), and are in Group 6, Step 8 (cell =$2,704), you will be paid 6.0 * $2,704 = $16,224 for your total semester's assignment. Your pay stub will show a RATE that is equal to the amount in your cell ($2,704) divided by 18 weeks = $150.22, which is really the weekly pay per LHE, and therefore your pay per hour of counseling is half of that amount, $75.11 (slightly more than your hourly rate of $74.88 in Spring). 

Example 2: 

If you have a counseling assignment of 18 hours per week for a full semester (= 9.0 LHE), and are in Group 4, Step 9 (cell = $2,589) you will be paid 9.0 * $2,589 = $23,301 for your total semester's assignment. Your pay stub will show a RATE that is equal to the amount in your cell ($2,589) divided by 18 weeks = $143.83, which is really the weekly pay per LHE, and therefore your pay per hour of counseling is half of that amount, $71.92 (slightly more than your hourly rate of $71.52 in Spring).

If you had a mixture of teaching and non-teaching assignments in the last few years, your placement may be slightly different to this purely non-teaching example due to the previous differences in rates for different kinds of assignments.

Continuing Faculty Member with Teaching Assignments

Small disclaimer: there are so many variations of assignment, this page will not answer all questions, just most. If you don't seem to fit in to any of these patterns, please call us at 310-434-4394 and leave a message.

Fall 2020 is the first year that the new universal part-time faculty salary schedule has been used. It is directly tied to the full-time faculty schedule with every cell exactly 85% of what a full-time faculty member with those credentials and experience would earn for 1.0 Lecture Hour Equivalent (LHE). The other 15% of a full-time faculty member's salary is for other departmental and college related duties, beyond either their classes or non-instructional assignments, that are not required of part-time faculty members. 

Faculty who have always only taught classes

If you've always only been teaching and are still only teaching, you will see no change to your pay at all. The new Salary Schedule B-1 is identical to the old Salary Schedule B-2. But if you do have non-instructional assignments in the future, it will be paid on this same schedule and will now also count toward step advancement.

Faculty with both teaching and non-teaching assignments

If you have had non-instructional and instructional assignments over (roughly) the past three years, your placement on Salary Schedule B-1 is trickier because you've had two different salary rates on the two different salary schedules and you might have two different placements on B-1. You can see here a mapping grid from the old hourly pay rates for non-instructional assignments to the new Salary Schedule B-1.

Placement examples

If you find your non-instructional hourly rate from Spring in the top table, you can use the bottom table to find where you would be placed using the non-instructional assignment. So a rate of $73.50 used to be Step 1, Group 3 on the old salary schedule, and that maps to Group 5, Step 9 ("5, 9") on the new Salary Schedule B-1. Your teaching assignment placement is the same as your old teaching placement, and you can find that by looking in mProfessor under the "View Teaching/ Banked hours reports" link. Here you should be able to see your Step and Group for Salary Type 88 (the old teaching salary schedule) for Spring 2020.

Example 1

  • As agreed to in the contract's Article 14, if your two different placements are three or fewer steps apart, you will be placed at the higher paying placement. For example, let's say your teaching placement was Step 6, Group 4 and your non-teaching placement was Step 9, Group 4. Since the Step difference is just 3 steps, you will be put on the higher salary placement, Step 9, Group 4. 
  • On the new Salary Schedule B-1, the amount in the cell for Step 9, Group 4 is $2,589. This is how much you will be paid for 1.0 Lecture Hour Equivalent (LHE) regardless of the type of assignment, instructional, non-instructional, or both. So if your total assignment is 9.0 LHE, you'll be paid 9.0 * $2,589 = $23,301 for all your work that semester. (An assignment of 9.0 LHE could be made up in many different ways:some text
    • one COUNS 20 section (3.0 LHE) and 12 weekly hours of counseling (6.0 LHE)
    • two COUNS 12 sections (2.0 LHE) and 14 weekly hours of counseling (7.0 LHE)
    • three COUNS 20 sections 
    • 18 weekly hours of counseling
    • or many other variations
  • Your pay stub will show a "RATE" that is your B-1 cell amount divided by 18 weeks, so in this example $2,589/18 = $143.83. This is not an hourly rate nor the pay for one hour of assignment: it is what you are paid per week, per LHE. 
  • Your pay stub also shows "UNITS" and these are not hours worked. They are the number of weeks in the pay cycle times the LHE of your assignment, as long as the assignment is over 18 weeks. The first two pays of a semester (Fall: September, October; Spring: March, April) are for 4 weeks of pay, and the last two pays (Fall: November, December; Spring: May, June) are for 5 weeks of pay. (Again, note that if your assignments are not spread over 18 weeks, the UNITS will be split out differently over the semester, but your total pay for the assignment is still just determined by the total LHE of the assignment.)

Example 2

  • If your two placements are more than three steps apart, the district and FA must mutually agree on your final placement which should not be less than your average earnings in the past. Depending on your past assignment history, and the inconsistent pay rates on the old salary schedules, you might have two very different salary placements:some text
    • For example, for teaching you might be on Step 2, Group 3 ($1,789 per LHE), but for health services counseling you're placed at Step 11, Group 3 ($2635). There are 9 steps difference between the two placements. If you had roughly equal experience in those two assignments, we would look to see what step would correspond to you getting no less than the average of those two placements. Here, the average is $2,212, and the Step nearest to (but not less than) that amount in Group 3 is Step 8 ($2,426). So you would be placed there.
    • Your pay stub will show a "RATE" that is your B-1 cell amount divided by 18 weeks, so in this example $2,426/18 = $134.78. This is not an hourly rate nor the pay for one hour of assignment: it is what you are paid per week, per LHE. 
  • If you think you fell into that scenario, please reach out to us, we will get information from you and we will talk through what the final resolution was.

If you had a mixture of teaching and non-teaching assignments in the last few years, your placement may be slightly different to this purely non-teaching example due to the previous differences in rates for different kinds of assignments.

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