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Salary Schedule
Part Time

Part-time Salary Schedule

The 2019-2022 Faculty Contract finalized the movement of all part-time faculty to full pay equity with full-time faculty. At SMC, the general understanding is that roughly 85% of a full-time faculty member's salary is for duties of assignment directly related to their class or non-instructional assignments. The rest of their salary is for other departmental, college and professional duties.

Examples of previous salary schedules that will be compared to the new ones.
Old Salary Schedule Examples

Some old salary schedules...

Before now, full pay equity for part-time faculty had been unattainable because many of the salary schedules that part-time faculty were paid on were not connected in any way to the full-time faculty salary schedule. They had a variety of different steps and groups such as those shown here.

Implementing the shift of roughly 400 part-time faculty members from those old salary schedules required every one of them to be mapped to the same structure salary schedule as a full-time faculty member. That salary schedule has twenty-two "Steps" and seven "Groups". This new salary schedule is found in our contract and is called Appendix B-1, and part of it is shown here.

Appendix B-1, an excerpt from the contract regarding the salary schedule.

It does not show hourly pay. Instead it shows the pay based on "Lecture Hour Equivalents" (LHE). The amount in a cell is the pay for a whole semester for an assignment of 1.0 LHE. A full-time faculty member working a full load has an assignment of 15.0 LHE, regardless of the details of their assignment. They could be a counsellor, a physics instructor, or a librarian. By moving to this kind of salary schedule, we are highlighting that you are in effect being paid a salary to complete a particular task. 

Example 1

  • An assignment of 3.0 LHE in a semester means that your will be paid 3.0 times the amount in the appropriate cell of Appendix B-1 for all the work you do for that assignment. If your placement is Step 2, Group 6, the pay per LHE in that cell is $2,066, so you will be paid $6,198 for that 3.0 LHE assignment, whatever the assignment is. (Note, 3.0 LHE is 20% of a full-time assignment: 3/15 = 0.20 = 20%).

Example 2

  • An assignment of 7.5 LHE in a semester means that your will be paid 7.5 times the amount in the appropriate cell of Appendix B-1 for all the work you do for that assignment. If your placement is Step 4, Group 4, the pay per LHE in that cell is $2,020, so you will be paid $15,150 for that 7.5 LHE assignment, whatever the assignment is. (Note, 7.5 LHE is 50% of a full-time assignment: 7.5/15 = 0.50 = 50%).

Load Factor

There used to be a different salary schedule (or multiple schedules) for every assignment that had a different load factor. Load factor is a concept that has been in the contract since the earliest days and is, in the broadest strokes, supposed to be a measure of how much time outside of the classroom a faculty member has to spend completing tasks related to their assignment. The more preparation, grading, office hours, and so on, that are done outside of assigned class time, the higher the load factor.  Instructional load factors are 0.6, 0.75, 0.875, 0.882, and 1.0. Non-instructional assignments all have a load factor of  0.5. 

If you want to know the load factor of your credit course assignment, you should be able to find it listed in "Appendix H". (Noncredit assignments are usually load factor 0.60.)

The contract agreement outlined in Article 14 enabled us to move all part-time faculty to the same salary schedule so they all are paid the same as a full-time faculty member for the same assignment. That agreement envisions that that no one will be moved to a group and step that results in less pay for the same average semester assignment. 

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