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Salary Schedule
Emeritus Classes

Emeritus Classes

Fall 2020 is the first year that the new universal part-time faculty salary schedule has been used. It is directly tied to the full-time faculty schedule with every cell exactly 85% of what a full-time faculty member with those credentials and experience would earn for 1.0 Lecture Hour Equivalent (LHE). The other 15% of a full-time faculty member's salary is for other departmental and college related duties, beyond either their classes or non-instructional assignments, that are not required of part-time faculty members.

What you were paid before

Before this new contract was ratified, there was only a single pay rate for all faculty members teaching at the Emeritus College: $68.33 per hour of scheduled class time. It did not matter how long you'd taught at SMC nor what your credentials were, this number did not increase with experience. We agreed with the district to move all faculty teaching at Emeritus to the new Salary Schedule B-1, so now you will be able to progress to higher salary steps over time.

Understanding the New Salary Schedule

When you look at the new Salary Schedule B-1, it does not show you your pay per hour of assignment. It shows you how much you will be paid over a semester for an assignment of 1.0 Lecture Hour Equivalent (1.0 LHE). The first 10 rows of Salary Schedule B-1 are shown below:

The Faculty Association and college district agreed to move all Emeritus Faculty members to Step 8, Group 1 on the new Salary Schedule B-1. This cell was chosen because when compared to the old hourly rate it results in slightly greater pay for a given assignment. 

Faculty assignments at the Emeritus College have many different assigned hours for teaching, and may meet for different numbers of weeks. When you are offered an assignment, you should now be told the lecture hour equivalent (LHE) of your assignment, as well as the scheduled hours for class meetings, and the number of weeks of the assignment. Once you know the LHE of your assignment, it is simple to calculate how much you will be paid for that assignment: the total pay is the number of LHE of your assignment times the amount shown in the cell for Step 8, Group 1: $2,242.


  • You are told your assignment for Fall is 1.60 LHE. So you will earn 1.60 * $2,242 = $3,587.20 for the semester's assignment. This is the pay for all the work you do related to that assignment.

Now that you are being paid on Salary Schedule B-1, you can advance to a higher step every time you complete assignments in fall and spring that total up to 30 LHE.

One last thing to note

On your pay stub, you may see listed a "RATE" of $124.56. This is not an hourly rate of pay for your scheduled hours of teaching. This is simply the amount shown in the cell for Step 8, Group 1 - $2,242 - divided by 18. It is the weekly pay per LHE of your assignment. Similarly, on your pay stub, there is listed an amount under "UNITS". The number of UNITS is not the number of hours of your assignment. But rest assured, the RATE times the UNITS added up on all your pay stubs over the semester will add up to the total pay you are owed, calculated by multiplying your assignment's LHE times $2,242.

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