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Join the FA

The FA logomark of a great strong green tree.

Welcome to the SMC Faculty Association!

Dear Colleague:

Welcome to Santa Monica College! You may have received a copy of the collective bargaining agreement (also known as "the contract") when you were hired, but if not, it's easily accessible online. If you have any questions about the contract, or if you would like a hard copy of it, please call the Association office at (310) 434-4394 and we can help you.

The SMC Faculty Association is the exclusive representative for all tenured, probationary and part-time faculty (excluding those teaching in "Community Services") and negotiates on behalf of faculty in areas related to compensation, benefits and working conditions. During the initial stressful COVID days, we successfully negotiated for additional compensation, and we're actively involved in ensuring your safety on-campus and fair application of all COVID-related mandates adopted by the college administration. We provide education related to retirement options, health benefits, leaves, and evaluation procedures, help faculty file grievances against the district if the contract has been violated, and provide guidance and support if the district is investigating you for alleged wrong-doing related to your employment at SMC.

Since 2017, there have only been two possible statuses for SMC faculty members:

  1. Members. Members receive all the privileges of membership, including the right to vote and hold union office. Most faculty, including a majority of both full-time and hourly faculty, are members. Very few of your colleagues have chosen not to join the Association. To become a member, you must fill out a membership form.
  2. Non-members. You cannot vote in any Faculty Association elections or represent your department in the Representative Assembly. Effectively, your ability to fully participate in shaping and determining your working conditions is reduced. Additionally, by not becoming a member, you are placing all the expense and effort for safeguarding your working conditions and negotiating for contract improvements onto your colleagues.

One never knows when the support of the Faculty Association will be needed - a student complaint, a change unilaterally imposed change in working hours, help in navigating the sick leave provisions if a family member falls ill. Think of any benefit that you value through your employment at SMC: the Faculty Association is directly responsible for that benefit.

If you have not already signed up as a Faculty Association member, please join over 1000 of your colleagues in supporting the work the Faculty Association does on your behalf. A fillable membership form can be downloaded here. Membership gives you a say in contract ratification, selection of officers, and the right to hold office. We urge you to become a member and to become active in letting us know how best to meet your needs.

If you have questions, please call us at (310) 434-4394.

Yours sincerely,

Peter Morse

SMC Faculty Association President

Membership Sign Up Process

Step 1

Download, complete, and sign the PDF form below.

Step 2

Send the completed membership form to this email address in the image below:

The email address for Melissa Pardo. The email address reads PARDO_MELISSA (at) smc (dot) edu.

Step 3

That’s it! We will reach out if we need anything else.

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